Lochore Meadows Sprint Triathlon and Tristars Aquathon - 11th June 2017

Race Information

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The Lochore Sprint is run over the original Bruce triathlon course and is an ideal introductory event for those new to open water swim events. The swim distance of 750 metres, the enclosed nature of Lochore and the good safety cover offer a friendly swim environment. The cycle course with all left turns is as safe as any event and the run, entirely within the Country Park is mostly on paths and is virtually traffic free. In addition good facilities exist at the park with many attractions for the non competing family supporters. Chip timing will be supplied by Finishline Timing.

Including Individual and Relay Events

750m open water swim

24km cycle

5km run

This event is run under triathlonscotland rules. It is the competitor's responsibility to obey the rules, observe the Highway Code and be courteous and considerate to any member of the public encountered in the race. Race referees and Draftbusters may be present.


These are approximate times and may change slightly.




Triathlon race briefing


Wave 1 start


Wave 2 start


Wave 3 start


Tristars race briefing


Tristars 1 start


Tristars 2 start


Tristars 3 start


Prize giving


On arrival please follow the main access road to park in the Park Centre car park. Please note that overflow parking is available beyond the normal parking area.


Registration will take place in the Park Centre.

Your triathlonscotland membership card must be shown at registration. Failure to do so will incur the additional non-member surcharge.

Please plan to leave yourself plenty of time to complete the process and prepare yourself adequately for the race start. At registration competitors will be issued with timing chip, race numbers, safety pins, swim hat and race momento.

Your race number will also be marked on your arm and leg.

Race Briefing

The briefing is intended to:

Reaffirm the rules under which the race is run, go over any safety issues related to the swim, cycle and run course, describe any local instructions that may apply on the day and confirm start times.

Competitors are strongly advised to conduct their own familiarisation of the transition area, exit and entry and cycle and run courses.


Changing and shower facilities are provided in the Outdoor Education Centre building approximately 150 metres west of the transition area. On completion of the race competitors are requested to shower and change as soon as reasonable, in order to avoid large numbers overloading the facilities and inconveniencing regular users.

Please do not change in the park centre building.

Drinks Stations

Drink Stations will be situated at the transition area (after the swim and at the start of the run) and at the turn point on the run. After finishing the race please keep the finish area clear for other competitors. Return your timing chip to the collection bucket at the finish and remove your equipment from the transition area.


Refreshments will be available from the cafe in the Park Centre. They will open at 9 am for spectators (for bacon rolls etc).

Chip Timing

Chip timing will be supplied by Finishline Timing. Competitors and spectators can view live results on a large screen. The timing chip must be attached to your ankle UNDER your wetsuit, not another part of your body or your bike! Times will be recorded when competitors pass over the timing mats. Please return your chip to the collection bucket at the finish.

Please shout your number out at the finish and transition exits to assist the backup timekeepers. Please wear your number on your back for the cycle and the front for the run. If you cannot move it wear it on your back.

Course Description

Swim: 750m
The swim will follow a marked and buoyed 750 metre course in Lochore. Wetsuits are compulsary. The water temperature will be given at the briefing. The swim course will have safety cover provided by the resident safety boat, canoeists and qualified lifeguards. In the event of difficulty it is recommended that swimmers adopt a position on their backs kicking and paddling gently until the swim is recommenced or the swimmer is assisted from the water. If in further difficulty the swimmer should wave his/her hands above their head until assistance is provided.

Bike: 24km
The swim cycle transition is a one-way system. It is the competitor's responsibility to make sure that his/her bike is completely roadworthy prior to the race. Cyclists must wear a helmet which complies with recognised standards (ANSI or BSI). The helmet must be secured on the head before removing the bike from transition racking and only be removed after re-racking the bike. Cyclists must not mount their bikes until they reach tarmac and mount line. Cyclists must obey the Highway Code and the directions of race marshals at all times.

The initial 700m is on the park access road prior to joining the B920 at a mini roundabout. Turn left and continue out on the B920 through Crosshill and Lochore � take care at the pedestrian crossing. These lights may not be disabled, so obey the indication. Follow the road on through Ballingry to the junction with the B9097 and turn left. After 5.5 kms turn left on to the main road (B996). Do not take this junction too fast as you are joining a main road! Continue south on this road until approaching the built up area in Cowdenbeath. Turn sharp left at the roundabout, again taking care, as this is an acute turn. Follow the main road through the built up areas of Lumphinans and Lochgelly � take particular care at the pedestrian crossings. The road has a ninety-degree left turn in Lochgelly. Two pedestrian crossings precede this natural turn and another follows it. These lights may not be disabled, so you must obey the indication. On leaving Lochgelly take care at the next small roundabout, continuing straight on. Take care also then on the fast right sweeping descent passing under the railway bridge. After the bridge, take care at the pedestrian crossing outside the school. Continue to the next mini roundabout and turn left into Lochore Meadows. Keep Left! Dismount at the �Bike Dismount Line� as directed before entering the transition area. After racking the bike at your numbered position exit the transition continuing in the same direction as your entry. Marshals will be in position at all junctions at which you turn. Obey their indications and that of any police traffic controllers and motorcycle patrols deployed. We plan to have draft busters also in action. If competitors clearly breach the triathlonscotland drafting distance they will be penalised, according to the rules.

Run: 5km
The run will leave the transition area, and head out along the loch side. This is a NEW RUN ROUTE for the Scottish sprint championships and will be clearly marked. Please be courteous to any fishermen / general public along the route. The finish will be clearly marked with a finish gantry.

Tristars Aquathon Course Description

Swim: 150m / 300m / 450m
The swim will follow a marked and buoyed 150 metre course in Lochore. Wetsuits are compulsary. The water temperature will be given at the briefing. The swim course will have safety cover provided by the resident safety boat, canoeists and qualified lifeguards. In the event of difficulty it is recommended that swimmers adopt a position on their backs kicking and paddling gently until the swim is recommenced or the swimmer is assisted from the water. If in further difficulty the swimmer should wave his/her hands above their head until assistance is provided.

Run: 1.2km / 1.6km / 2km
The run will leave the transition area, and head out along the loch side. There will be turn points marked and marshalled for each of the 3 tristars races. Please be courteous to any fishermen / general public along the route. The finish will be clearly marked with a finish gantry.

Course Maps

Lochore bike route

Lochore run route

Tristars aquathon run route

Post Race Prize Giving

Prizes will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed competitors in all categories except where entry numbers are low. 1st place prizes will be given in these cases and where possible 2nd place.

We hope you enjoy your race and your day at Lochore Meadows.

Please feel free to pass any suggestions for improvements to the race director well after the results are received and we have recovered.

Finishline Timing

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[ Page last updated 22:32 Mon 27th Mar 2017 | viewed 24284 times ]