Edinburgh Swim Festival - 4th August 2012

Race Information


Here are the provisional results for the 400m, 800m & 2km swims. If your time is missing please get in touch via info@finishlinetiming.co.uk.

Edinburgh Swimfest 2012 2km Provisional Results.xls

Edinburgh Swimfest 2012 400m Provisional Results.xls

Edinburgh Swimfest 2012 800m Provisional Results.xls

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In an effort to help promote open water swimming for all, Edinburgh Racing together with the Triathlon section of Edinburgh Road Club are putting on this years Open Water Swim Festival which will be open to swimmers of all abilities.

The event will be based at Portobello Beach, which is a long sandy beach located a few kilometres East of downtown Edinburgh and is easily accessible by bus, bike, and car. Many groups regularly swim in the sea during the warmer months and the beach bustles with people and activity on a sunny day.

The Open Water Swimming Festival will have three separate races. With races ranging from a short 400m sprint to the much more challenging 2km sea swim crossing from Musselburgh Quay back to Portobello Beach. With a range of distances available there should be a distance for most swimming abilities. The distances available this year are:-

1. 400m Portobello Beach

2. 800m Portobello Beach

3. 2km swim from Musselburgh to Portobello

All courses will be marked out by big yellow buoys, and there will be safety boats along each of the swim routes.

Wetsuits are compulsory and may be hired from The Tri Centre.

All participants will have the option of doing any of the 3 races throughout the day. If you sign up for the 2km swim, you may also do the 400m and 800m swims at NO EXTRA COST. You may decide on the day of if you would like to participate in the 400m or 800m, but we must know in advance if you want to do the 2km swim because of limited space available on the coaches to the start.

The festival will also feature complimentary food for all participants on the Portobello Beach.


The event will be based around Portobello Beach and the event HQ at The Dalriada, Edinburgh's 'Bar on the Beach', located along the seaside promenade near Brunstane road.


Limited car parking is available in the surrounding side streets between Portobello high street and the promenade.

Event Timetable

These are approximate times and may change slightly.




Transport to 2km race start


2km race start


800m race start


400m race start


Prize giving Portobello Beach


Post Race Ceilidh St Philips Church Hall Portobello


Registration will open at the event HQ at 10am of the morning of the festival. At registration competitors will be issued with swim hats and timing chips. Race information, route maps and competitor lists will be located at the event HQ.

Race Distances

Swim Distance



1 lap of a 400m course off Portobello Beach


2 laps of a 400m course off Portobello Beach


From Musselburgh Quay to Portobello Beach

Course Maps

To follow.

Post Race Prize Giving

Prize giving will be held on Portobello beach.

Finishline Timing

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